Best Dart Pin in the Philippines (Guide 2022)

Hello, Filipino Darters. We will list today the best dart pin you can have to improve your throwing skills. Especially, if you just started practicing darts and wondering “what dart pin should I use?”, then, this is the best guide for you.

As a darter, I will share my experience and knowledge about dart pins from beginner to the professional level.

Types of Darts You can Use

Dart pins have their own specifications, differ in their length and weight. The average weights of the dart pins used mostly in the tournaments are around 18 – 40 grams and its average length is around 5 – 7 inches includes the shaft and flights.

Silver Steel Darts

These are the cheapest darts you can have that fits in your budget. This kind of steel darts is very common because it’s easy to manufacture and mass-produced. Aside from being cheap, steel darts is a very dense metal and very durable.

Price range P200-P600
Buy Silver Steel Darts

Brass Darts

The same as the Steel Darts, this brass is commonly mass-produced because it’s very inexpensive. Brass darts are very good at grips because of their huge sizes compared to steel darts that are much thinner. These darts weigh around 18 – 23 grams with the big body barrels.

Price range P300-P900
Buy Brass Darts

Tungsten Darts

Tungsten darts are very heavy metal and very dense. This is commonly used by Pinoy Darters and World-Class Players because they can easily hit 180 with this kind of dart. Why? because tungsten is very thin that you can easily fit the 3 pins together. This dart weighs around 21 – 28 grams, and it’s very good at grips and flying. Compared to steel/brass darts, this tungsten dart is very expensive.

Price range P1000-P6000+.
Buy Tungsten Darts

What Dart Pin to Buy?

Buy the Tungsten Type Dart Pin, I recommend like Designa Crusader V2 Tungsten Dart Set, this tungsten dart is very durable and high-quality. Designa Crusader V2 has so many grip designs you can choose with. Yes, Tungsten darts are so expensive but this type of darts can last for over 30 years with proper maintenance.

Best Dart Pins You Should Try

Now, after knowing the different types of dart pins by their material and weights, I’ll give you my top list of best dart pins you can have for your practice game or competitions.

Fox Smiling Steel Tip Darts

Best dart pin for beginners, this Steel Tip dart pin is very cheap and better for practice game. A Fox smiling dart pin brand that comes with a box and extra flights and shafts for future replacements. This dart pin has great momentum with 25g of weight and less wobble when flying.

Designa Crusader V2 Tungsten Darts

This Design Crusader V2 is 80% tungsten with a weight selection from 21g – 26g and you can select five different grip designs. Designa dart pins are supported with nylon shafts and rings to hold the flights more secure.

CUESOUL Tungsten Darts

This Cuesoul dart pin has a weight of 20grams includes shafts and flights with 90% tungsten barrels that weigh 18grams. The length of this dart pin is around 150mm, which sounds good for better balance and momentum on throwing.

Harrows Spina Tungsten Gold

This Harrows Spina Dart pin has this powerful grip with a great balance and consistency, which helps players especially those who grip strongly and throw fast. This dart pin is a 90% tungsten that weighs around 25grams designed with gold titanium nitride models.

Professional Tungsten Darts

Designed for the best grip and balance in your throwing. This professional tungsten dart is 90% high-quality tungsten barrels. Includes a dart pin case for security and have extra transparent shafts and flights.


I hope you already know what is the best dart pin for you. Search for that dart pin which will give good accuracy and better grip on your throws. You can experiment with different weights and grip styles. Darts is one of the best sports ever invented, having a good dart pin will become your great partner during competitions.

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